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Forget about taking the offer, I am going to block you forever!

Amit Sharma

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

Customer Reactions for Bad Email Marketing

This is my reaction when I come across cold emails that are just plain “Click Bait” and nothing more. Just take a look at this email headline, how this sales rep is trying to use fear to get the email opened.

Subject Line

Spam Subject Lines | Email Marketing | How to write subject lines | Misleading Subject Lines

Email Content

Bad Email Marketing Content

Can you guess the next step?

They tried to gather my personal information through website to sell personal loans without any information on my score.

This has been the trends across B2B and B2C Sales where Sales Reps try to use fear factor to get the emails opened or call answered.

Generating an inquiry or making a Sale isn’t just about:

  • Getting your email opened.

  • Fooling the prospect to click on the link by giving false information.

  • Hoping that once he is on your website, he will forget what he came for and will get enticed by what you are offering to him.

  • That he will regard you as SMART for misguiding him and will refer you to his friends and colleagues.

A sale is a profession that isn’t about selling. It is about earning your prospect’s awareness, respect and trust and sale is done automatically. For those Sales Reps who are looking to make it BIG in their life, I am putting down tips on how to write a cold email to your prospect that will make him respond to you and also help you build your personal brand.

1.     Start with the End in Mind

Ask yourself - What is the last action do you wish your prospect should take? Do you want a form to be filled then why a prospect will fill that form? What is he going to get in return? Is what you are offering in return valuable to him or not? Where do you wish to have that form – on website or in email? How would you deliver the promised information? This entire lifecycle matters to your prospect and should be communicated through email as it is.

2.     Attractive Subject line

Yes, it should be attractive and grabs his attention but should not scare the Shi* out of him. If you are using fear factor then you have to be dam spot on because your prospects expectations will be out of roof and if you failed to match it then he will be supremely disappointed.

Instead link the subject line to the inside content and be creative to pique his imagination.

Examples of Excellent Subject Lines:

  • We're throwing a Party

  • Why Everyone In Your Facebook Feed Is Suddenly Gay?

  • Ever Wonder If Your Boss Actually Likes You? Here‘s How To Find Out

3.     Pain Point

In B2B Sales, subject should directly relate to the inside content. In a study of best performing emails, research has found out that emails beginning with business pain points outperform. So, highlight a pain point that your prospect can immediately relate to and further reads your email. It is highly recommended to stick to only one pain point at a time.

4.     A Quick Solution

Pain point’s discussion raises curiosity of your prospect and increases his eagerness to get a solution. This is the time when you feed him with a hint of your solution. Just let him know how you can solve his problem.

Research suggests sticking with one pain point and one solution (Product benefit) delivers best results. Highlighting multiple features and benefits might confuse him.

5.     Next Step

At this time, your prospect is connected to your solution and his curiosity is at the peak. So, offer him something extra – a free e-book, brochure, pricing, webinar invite, freebies, blog content etc… that will further add value to the discussion you are having with him through email and prompt him to take action.

6.     Authenticity

Hold On! It is not over yet. Familiarity plays a very crucial role in whether your prospect will straight away believe you and take the next step or not. If you are writing a cold email to an unknown prospect then you have to prove your authenticity.

Brief introductions about your company and credentials, your customer name and testimonials, awards and recognition etc… will make you look more authentic and make it easier for your prospect to trust you.

7.     Avoid being fancy

It is not the awesome looking pictures, hidden links or embedded links that attracts your prospect. It is the value that your message delivers to him that matters to him. You need to also remember that your email should get delivered to him. And, for that to happen, you need to cross the Spam filters. Bulk emails, Attaching images & videos, Hyperlinks, spammy words i.e. Capital Letters, Special Symbols, words like Sale/Buy/Free should be avoided.

Just remember - Email is one of the most powerful tools of Balanced Prospecting Approach and its effective use can create wonders.

Sending timely, relevant and interesting emails to customers and prospects enables you to get in touch, keep in regular contact and sell – on a shoestring budget. 

Looking to excel yourself in Prospecting, Qualification, Presentation and Negotiation through most Advanced Sales Strategies, go for my FREE & PAID online sales training courses

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Unknown member
Sep 22, 2022

Hello nnice blog


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